Monday 25 May 2009

Well I never...

Today has been yet another of those long endurance-type days which I deem to be getting into more and more these days. Whoever said that being a parent was easy?

Have spent most of the day fielding clingy child while at the same time painting a second coat of paint in bedroom, cooking various meals as the day progresses and falling over and injuring myself on various pieces of debris that has gathered in my wake.

Took Tom to Swanny Ponds today up by my mum's house, which is closer to the centre and a place called Stobswell (which, if you live in Dundee you know quite well, if you don't well, let's just say that watching a mother row her two kids in a boat around a pond while clearly off her face on heroin is akin to its closest version of "nature".) Decided to feed the ducks. However, due to Dundee City Council's great idea of eradicating all of the nests from rooftops in the centre, the seagulls have decided to reside at the pond, which makes feeding the ducks a bit more of a thrilling experience, which involved screaming from Tom and a lot of running from us as we lobbed the bread at the bloody great things, which followed us around the pond in a scene I'm sure Stephen King would have been proud of.

Trying to cheer myself up tonight by booking that all-important family holiday, but to no avail.
Nothing seems affordable and is all very far away and is clouded by that lukewarm feeling of sticky hopelessness.
We need thunder.